Co-creation concept for healthcare: Beraber
Earlier this month, architects Renske de Meijer and Alara Külekci participated in the Colourful Care Table, organised by ZorgScala Haaglanden, immigrant elderly advisers from Wijkz and PEP The Hague, aimed at improving culturally-sensitive care for the elderly. Here, they presented their new co-creation concept Beraber: a conversation model for culturally-sensitive living and care.
‘Beraber’, which means ‘together’ in Turkish, is designed to facilitate inclusive residential care design. The method emphasises involving future residents in the planning and transformation of care facilities to meet their specific cultural and personal needs. With this, Alara and Renske aim to bridge the gap between different stakeholders-elderly people, informal carers, care providers, municipalities and designers-to ensure that everyone's voice is heard.
Other participants included the Municipality of The Hague, Vereniging Transmurale Zorg Den Haag e.o., Noom and European Network of Intercultural Elderly Care. The discussions consisted of informative speeches, interactive dialogues and workshops aimed at ensuring that eldercare meets the diverse cultural needs of the local community.
Curious about Beraber's capabilities for complex care housing issues? Make a (digital) appointment and we will be happy to tell you more.
Thanks to Elisabeth de Vries for the invitation! Find more information here.