study 57 houses

Kokon did a designstudy for 57 homes in Ede, consisting of different housing types. The district is set up as an Edese garden district, with a great deal of attention being paid to the integration of existing and new green spaces and the connection to the environment. The porch houses are adjacent to a centrally located park where the residents are invited to meet each other. On the track, the buildings form a more continuous whole with short residential blocks that form a coherent ensemble. The individual houses have subtle variations in the facade. The accessibility of the neighborhood is favorable due to the presence of a fast cycle route and its location in relation to the station.

Location Ede
Client Bemog Projekt Ontwikkeling & Jan Oosterhout Ontwikkeling B.V.
Thom Pegman assistent designer
Mark van Stijn senior project architect / BREAAM-expert
Yunran Hu assistent urban designer
Ron Van Leeuwen partner / architect / urban designer