De Watertuinen

The housing project "The Water Gardens (Watertuinen) of Maasdijk" is located on the south east side of the core of Maasdijk between Lange Kruisweg, Tuindersweg and Maasdijk.

The project includes the construction of approximately 145 homes in the social, medium and expensive segments, of which Kokon has designed phase 3. Apartments, row houses, semi-detached houses and detached houses will all be built. The development of this new expansion of the existing village comes against the background of a steady growth of the population as well as the expansion of business park Honderdland. This expansion can be regarded as a new 'annual ring' to the existing village: the existing village structure of houses will be expanded at the edge where there used to be a strip of greenhouse horticulture. The new expansion will take place adjacent to the expansion completed several years ago (Tuinparck), on the southeast side of Maasdijk.

The starting point for the new expansion is to continue the existing characteristics of Maasdijk. At the same time, the architecture will show that it was created in 2010. The existing village character will be continued; contemporary elements will be integrated into it.

The streetscape is largely determined by front and side gardens. With the exception of the patios, houses will be built at least 2 m back from the public space.

Location Maasdijk
Ron Van Leeuwen ceo / architect / urban designer
Süleyman Özbek bureau manager / architect