Dune Rose

"An upgrading to last another fifty years" was the brief for this project on Duinroosstraat in Den Helder. 

The ensemble of five almost parallel porch buildings is located in a park-like setting. Park courtyards alternate with parking courtyards. One enters via entrances located at the parking courtyards.

The characteristic, somewhat dull, façade layout has become somewhat obscured by several previous renovations. Moreover, the monotony of the five different blocks is out of date. For this reason, the buildings are getting a total makeover in which each block gets its own brick, a unique pattern at the head and an enlarged balcony per flat. These expanded balconies face the park courtyards to allow for maximum views. This major upgrading will take place in occupied condition so that inconvenience to current residents is minimal.

The initial horizontal expression in the new plan has been converted to a vertical expression by means of cuts to bring order to the façade image. Like the end façades, the cuts at the entrances are given their own pattern, giving them a more prominent role within the plan. 

The balconies adjacent to the park courtyards are widened and deepened in new form and, in conjunction with the neighbouring balconies, form a second story that unfolds across the façade. With their formal idiom, the balconies, made of clean concrete with frosted glass balustrades, create a contemporary image that matches the underlying façade articulation of the existing façade. In combination with the fresh brickwork and the classic and modern patterns, a very expressive image is created, breaking the monotony of the building behind. The buildings are thus completely ready to face a new future!

Location Den Helder
Client Woonstichting Den Helder
GFA 9.983m²
Ron Van Leeuwen partner / architect / urban designer
Roy Gorissen architect