Livable by Kokon and partners


Kokon has been committed to care architecture for years, most recently under the care label Livable. As an initiative of Kokon and interior architecture firm Studio id+, Livable designs architecture that supports elderly and people with a disability to live to their full potential. In collaboration with various experts, Livable focuses on advising national and international care parties with complex housing issues.

Henk Middelkoop: "What distinguishes us is that we have a seat at the table from the first ideas rather than sitting down when the brief is already fixed. By attending from different perspectives during the concept phase, the Livable partnership facilitates multidisciplinary insights into the overall approach of the physical environment."

Livable's input thus goes beyond linking spaces via corridors. Much further. Livable can make an extra connection between care, people, environment and society. Because we understand all perspectives.

Our partners and experts: Kokon Architectuur & Stedenbouw, Studio id+, MeduProf-S, Thomas Cheng鄭, Frans Hoogeveen, Jan Booij 杨博爱

Wondering what Livable can do for you? Discover more here.